Bottle Flipping!

Oct - 18 2016 | By

Water 1
NFarmer via Compfight

Have you ever heard of bottle flipping? It’s when you flip a water bottle and it lands on a surface.

I found out about it when I was on my PS3. Now everyone is doing it.

My teacher doesn’t like it when we do it in class because once we had an accident. The cap came off and the water went everywhere! We had to clean it up. We are going to have a water bottle flipping contest at school soon.

My advice is to use a water bottle that is half full. Make sure the cap is on. Don’t use a milk carton because it makes a mess.

Do you bottle flip? Do you have any tips? Please comment!



  1. Misty says:

    Very cool Evann!! Fayth is constantly doing this as well! Hahaha!
    Great job son!
    ❤️ Mom

  2. Arielle says:

    Hi Evann,
    No I don’t bottle flip a lot but I once capped(or what ever you’re supposed to call it) a 2L Sprite bottle.
    PS. I didn’t know there was going to be a bottle flipping contest at school soon.

  3. Eli says:

    Hi Evann,
    I do bottle flips and I have a view tips for capping a bottle. First, you want to have about an inch and a half, or if you have a Kirkland bottle, fill it to the first two parts where it curves out. Second flip with a flip it with just your wrist, not your hole arm, and make sure it won’t slide because of how small the cap is, if it slides just a bit, it will fall over. That’s all the advice and tips I have for you.

  4. Connel says:

    Hi Evann I am a BOSS! at bottle flipping when I made a video I capped your Hawaiian punch bottle first try see I’m a Boss your also a boss but capping it on first try maybe you can try that. I do believe that you can do it but yeah I’m going to practice for the challenge so yeah bye.

    Sincerely, Connel

  5. Neo W says:

    Hey Evan this is Neo from Mrs. Kriese’s Class in Texas and my tips for bottle flipping is that you should drink the bottle until it’s 1/3 full which will give it the most stopping power and it gives you a higher margin for error. Have fun flipping!

  6. Harvey says:

    Hello! My name is Harvey and I’m from Mrs. Kriese’s class in Austin, Texas. I’m actually really bad at water bottle flipping. Our school actually abandoned us to do the water bottle flip challenge. I actually flipped a full water bottle. Please visit me at this URL:

  7. Carson says:

    Hi Evann
    I like to bottle flip to, I can cap it 25% of the time and I can flip it 75% of the time. I like to do water bottle flip trick shots, have you seen That’s Amazing’s bottle flip trick shot videos they are crazy I’m pretty sure they are the best in the world and the oldest one of them is like 12 or 13 and the youngest one is 3!

  8. Elijah says:

    Hi Evann
    I don’t bottle flip vey much only when I’m bore I found out flipping to much breaks the bottle when I tried it one time. I know you are really good at bottle flips and wonder how to get it almost every trie like you can

  9. reidsd33 says:

    Hi I am Reid and I am grade 6 student from Chilliwack BC.
    I am writing to you because I made a connection to your teacher not liking the bottle flip. My teacher doesn’t like the bottle flip either. Once one of my friends bottle flipped without a cap on.
    How many times have you capped a bottle flip?
    Have you seen the YouTube channel That’s Amazing?
    I also have a blog-
    “It’s a pleasure reading your blog post. Have a great day, Reidsd33

  10. Nathan says:
    From Mrs Krieses class in Texas
    Part of # 16 stubc
    I noticed you like to bottle flip I love to bottle flip and I think is is very addicting.
    You can come visit my blog the URL Is at the top😅✌🏿

  11. braidensd33 says:

    Hello Evann, my name is Braiden, and I am In Mr. Lister’s class in Chilliwack, BC. I was looking at your class’ blog and came across your blog and post. I love bottle flipping, I do it all the time, and I can do TWO cap flips in a row (in a corner). Me and my sister did it on Youtube with big Pepsi bottles and I did my second one third tries! Here is a link  Can you reply to this comment with a link to one of your bottle flips? Anyways, I loved reading your post, BYE.

  12. leelandsd33 says:

    hey Evann 1 tip I know only fill it about and inch or so and it is easier to flip and also don’t try to flip it too hard it will fail

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